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essay代写原创案例-discussion question

文章类型:essay 发布时间:2020-12-29

对于手机而言,在全球范围内提供标准化产品的全球战略可能是最适用的战略。 首先,很明显,想要购买手机的人们有类似的需求和要求-打电话和接听电话,上网等。不需要花费大量的财务和非财务努力来探索特定的领域。 每个本地市场的偏爱–这可能会花费太多的金钱和时间,而竞争对手可以利用这些时间来寻求新技术的发展,这很容易在这个数字时代引起人们的兴趣。 实际上,随着技术的发展,总是有新版本的手机。
For the mobile phone, a global strategy that offers standardized products throughout the world may be a most applicable strategy. At first, it is clear that people who would like to buy mobile phones have similar needs and demands – calling and answering the phone, surfing the Internet, etc. There is no need to spend great financial and non-financial efforts on exploring the specific preferences of every local market – it might cost too much money and time, and a competitor can use such time to seek for new technology advancement, which can easily arouse people’s interests in this digital era. In fact, along with the development of technology, there have been always new versions of mobile phones.
对于汤类混合物和罐头汤,最推荐采用多种国内策略。 不同的本地市场因其独特的地理位置,生活方式和文化背景而对食物和口味有不同的偏好。 本地定位组可能会尝试,因为企业会大力开展营销工作,但是食品的口味和风味是该组是否会重试和接受的决定性因素。 因此,根据当地市场的需求开发产品至关重要。
For soup mixes and canned soup, a multi-domestic strategy is a most recommended one. Different local markets have different preferences about food and tastes because of their unique geographies, lifestyles, cultural backgrounds. Local targeting groups might have a try because of a business’ strong marketing efforts, but the food’s taste and flavor are the decisive factors about whether the groups would retry and accept it. Therefore, developing products based on the local market’s need is essential.
对于大型家用电器,最合适的解决方案可能是过渡策略-向本地市场提供他们真正需要和想要的东西。 例如,烤箱可以提供给欧洲和美国家庭,但不提供给亚洲家庭。 前者已经习惯于用烤炉为全家人和朋友烘烤,而后者由于其数千年的饮食习惯而发展起来,因此对烘烤食物的兴趣降低了。 结果,将最合适的家用电器交付给本地目标群体是最可行的方式,而且成本更低。
For large home appliance, the most suitable one might be the transitional strategy – offering the local markets what they really need and want. For instance, ovens can be offered to European and the US families but the Asian ones. The former has got used to do baking with ovens for whole families and friends, but the latter, because of its dietary habits developed through thousands of years, may have less interest in baking food. As a result, delivering the appropriate home appliance to a local targeting group is the most feasible way with less cost.
对于服装和鞋类,当企业打算开始或进一步扩大国际业务时,可以同时考虑全球战略和多国战略。 首先,在过去的几十年中,随着全球化的加剧和经济的飞速发展,在服装和鞋类相关行业中,供应大于需求,因此买方拥有强大的实力。 因此,企业应设计和建立自己的品牌,提供各种经典款式的产品来吸引世界各地的客户,并使其成为追随者。 同时,为了增加销量并吸引更多来自不同文化背景的粉丝,公司应根据其美学设计特殊的产品以针对不同的本地市场。
For apparel and footwear, both a global strategy and a multi-domestic strategy can be taken into account when the business aims to start or further its international expansion. At first, along with increased globalization and the great rise of economy during the past decades, in the clothing and shoe related sector, the supply is more than demand and thus the buyer has the great power. Therefore, the business shall design and establish own brands, offering a wide range of classic style products to attract customers throughout the world and make them to become followers. Meanwhile, for increasing sales as well as getting more fans from different cultural backgrounds the business shall design special products to target different local markets based on their aesthetics.
