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art history交稿案例-paperpal代修网课

文章类型:presentation 发布时间:2019-11-26


 A) Whistler's Mother (also known as Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1), James Abbott McNeill Whistler, 1871, oil on canvas

 B) Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I (also called The Lady in Gold or The Woman in Gold), Gustav Klimt, 1907, Oil, silver and gold on canvas

 Whistler's Mother depicted by James Whistler in 1871 measures 144.3 cm × 162.4 cm and is exhibited in and held by the Musée d'Orsay in Paris. The painting is a portrait of the painter's mother, Anna McNeill Whistler. In the painting, the lady covered in a long black dress sat in a chair, looking at the front. We can only see the left side of her face and she seemed emotionless and sombre. The painting mainly features two colors: black and white. There is no excessive decoration in the back ground except for an ambiguous painting and the curtain which blocked the outside world. The texture of the painting seems rough and unevenly-distributed, thus creating a bloomy atmosphere. Since the lady was the painter's mother, the painting implies that the relationship between the painter and his mother is distance and serious. During Victorian age, contemporary painters favored animals and children as the subject of their paintings. However, James Whistler, like Andy Warhol, had always been the exceptional of his age. Influenced by the French painter Gustave Courbet and the artistic movement of Realism, he abandoned the traditional themes of painting which are largely related to Christianity and focused on the depiction of ordinary people. As is shown in this painting, his work reflected the real emotion and appearance of people.
             Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I depicted by Gustav Klimt in 1907, measures 138 cm × 138 cm and it is now displayed in Neue Galerie, New York. Like the first one, this painting is a portrait of a lady. The young lady covered in gold is the wife of a Jewish banker and sugar producer called Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer, who commissioned Klimt to paint a portrait of his wife. Which he later gave to her parents as an anniversary present. The lady in the painting wore a golden dress and was sitting on a golden throne. The back ground is also covered in golden color. The excessive use of gold and silver created a sense of divineness and holiness of the figure. The lady reminds me of Cleopatra the queen of Egypt, for they both seem inviolable and heavenly.  Moreover, the weird and geometric shapes in the back looks bizarre and surreal. And a piece of green at the left corner seems contradictory to the overall luxurious tone of the painting, which represents the creativeness of the painter.
 The two portraits of women were painted by very different painters of different ages out of different purposes. The first one is an honest depiction of the painter's own mother which gives us a sense of melancholy and leaves us much to think about. The second one, however, came from the request of a husband whose major intention was to please his wife and gives us a sense of luxury and sensuality.

A)惠斯勒的母亲,James Abbott McNeill Whistler,1871,布面油画。

B)Adele Bloch-Bauer I(也称为黄金女士或黄金女人)的肖像,Gustav Klimt,1907年,画布上的油画,银色和金色

    詹姆斯惠斯勒于1871年描绘的惠斯勒母亲画高144.3厘米×162.4厘米,由巴黎的奥赛博物馆展出并举办。这幅画是画家母亲安娜麦克尼尔惠斯勒的肖像。在这幅画中,一位穿着黑色长裙的女士坐在椅子上,看着前方。我们只能看到她脸的左侧,她似乎没有感情和阴沉。这幅画主要有两种颜色:黑色和白色。除了暧昧的绘画和遮挡外面世界的窗帘外,背景中没有过多的装饰。这幅画的质地看起来粗糙而且分布不均匀,从而营造出一种充满气息的氛围。由于这位女士是画家的母亲,这幅画意味着画家与母亲之间的关系是远距离和严肃的。在维多利亚时代,当代画家喜欢动物和儿童作为他们绘画的主题。然而,詹姆斯惠斯勒和安迪沃霍尔一样,一直是他这个时代的特殊时期。受法国画家古斯塔夫·库尔贝(Gustave Courbet)和现实主义艺术运动的影响,他放弃了传统的绘画主题,这些主题主要与基督教有关,并着重于对普通人的描绘。正如这幅画所示,他的作品反映了人们的真实情感和外表。
    阿黛尔布洛赫鲍尔的肖像我于1907年由古斯塔夫克里姆特描绘,尺寸为138厘米×138厘米,现在在纽约的纽埃画廊展出。像第一幅一样,这幅画是一位女士的肖像。这位身着金子的年轻女士是一位犹太银行家和糖生产商Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer的妻子,他委托克里姆特为他的妻子画肖像。后来,他作为周年纪念礼物送给了她的父母。画中的那位女士穿着一件金色的连衣裙,坐在金色的宝座上。背景也覆盖着金黄色。过度使用金银创造了一种神圣感和神圣感。这位女士让我想起了埃及女王克利奥帕特拉,因为她们似乎都是不可侵犯的天堂。此外,后面的奇怪和几何形状看起来很古怪和超现实。左边的一片绿色似乎与这幅画的整体奢华色调相悖,这代表了画家的创造力。

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