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Take Home Exam 代写essay案例

成果展示:定制写作 专业大类:商科管理 发布时间:2019-10-08

Take Home Exam
  1. The reasons why it is important today for business leaders to have a global perspective are as follows: First and foremost, with the rapid development of globalization, global trade and regional trade have gained more priority. Under such circumstances, expanding business oversees means expanding customer set, supplier set as well as a more diverse work team. In order to have a better communication and cooperation with these partners from different backgrounds, leaders must have a global perspective. Second, with a global perspective, leaders are able to be more flexible in front of different market conditions. For example, if there is a new trend on the market, leaders with a global perspective can seize the opportunity quickly and apply some innovative strategics to the day-to-day operation, which can contribute to the short-term as well as the long-term development of the organization. Last but not least, a global perspective also means learning from others and be open-minded to new ideas. Business leaders who have a global perspective are more likely tolerant to keep learning new things, which can foster the development of the business. What leaders can’t do is just sitting in a corner and thinking what happens elsewhere won’t have a influence on him/her.
  1. The Hofstede’s four dimensions of national culture are power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism vs. collectivism and masculinity vs. femininity, which is mostly applied to the cultural difference analysis. The culture that I choose to describe is the Chinese culture.
霍夫斯泰德的民族文化的四个维度是权力距离,规避不确定性,个人主义与集体主义以及男性气质与女性气质,这主要用于文化差异分析。 我选择描述的文化是中国文化。

According to Hofstede(1980), the power distance refers to “the degree to which members of a society expect power to be unequally shared”. People who accept high power distance respect the authority very much, while those who live in a country where low power distance is valued believe that superiors and subordinates should be equal. It is well-known that Chinese people are highly influenced by the traditional hierarchical idea which leads to the high power distance. That is to say, people who are located in a relatively lower position in society tend to submit to those who have more privilege. When we observe the relationship in a company in China, this phenomenon is more obvious. Chinese employees usually dare not challenge their managers and they have to finish the tasks obeying what they have been told to, without any their own thoughts.

根据霍夫斯泰德(Hofstede,1980)的观点,权力距离是指“一个社会成员期望权力被不平等分享的程度”。 接受高功率距离的人们非常尊重权威,而那些生活在重视低功率距离的国家的人们则认为上级和下级应该平等。 众所周知,中国人深受传统的等级制思想的影响,导致了高权力距离。 也就是说,社会上处于较低地位的人们倾向于服从那些享有更多特权的人。 当我们观察中国一家公司的关系时,这种现象更加明显。 中国员工通常不敢挑战经理,他们不得不听从别人的指示去完成任务,没有任何自己的想法。
When it comes to the uncertainty avoidance, it refers to the degree to which how much a society relies on the rigid norms that already exist. In a society with strong uncertainty avoidance, people are afraid of changes and ambiguity. However, people who live in a society with weak uncertainty avoidance show a tendency to embrace risks and uncertainty. In China, there is no doubt that harmony is regarded as an important principle in a group. In other words, Chinese people usually show a strong uncertainty avoidance. When a policy is carried out, most of the workers do not have opposite opinions. Because if he/she puts forward a different idea, it means that he/she has to be responsible for this disagreement. This kind of uncertainty force him/her to give up what they believe in at the very beginning.

当谈到避免不确定性时,它指的是一个社会在多大程度上依赖于已经存在的僵化规范。 在一个强烈避免不确定性的社会中,人们害怕变化和模棱两可。 但是,生活在回避不确定性较弱的社会中的人会倾向于接受风险和不确定性。 在中国,毫无疑问,和谐是一个群体的重要原则。 换句话说,中国人通常表现出强烈的不确定性回避。 在执行一项政策时,大多数工人没有相反的意见。 因为如果他/她提出了不同的想法,则意味着他/她必须对此分歧负责。 这种不确定性迫使他/她一开始就放弃他们的信念。

People who believe in individualism value their own independence and uniqueness, while collectivists pay more attention to group’s interests. China is also famous for its collectivism tradition. The idea that the group’s common goal is the most important thing is deeply rooted in their minds, so it is normal to see that Chinese employees have to abandon their own interests for the good of the whole team.

相信个人主义的人们重视自己的独立性和独特性,而集体主义者则更加关注团体的利益。 中国也以其集体主义传统而闻名。 他们的共同目标是最重要的事情这一想法已经深深扎根在他们的脑海中,因此,看到中国员工为了整个团队的利益而不得不放弃自己的利益是很正常的。

Masculinity refers to “a society’s preference for assertiveness, heroism, achievement and material reward for attaining success. In opposite, femininity stands for a preference for modesty, cooperation, quality of life and caring for the weak.”(Hofstede, 1980) In fact, under the influence of male chauvinist ideology, Chinese leaders often show directness and even aggressiveness.

阳刚之气是指“一个社会对获得成功的自信,英雄主义,成就和物质回报的偏爱。 相反,女性气质代表对谦虚,合作,生活质量和关怀弱者的偏爱。”(Hofstede,1980)实际上,在男性沙文主义思想的影响下,中国领导人经常表现出直率甚至进取。

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